Thursday, October 13, 2011

Half Marathon and 50 Burpees for 50 Days!

Yesterday I decided that I needed to find some sort of race so I have motivation to train. I thought a half marathon would be a great next step for me. I am going to do a race either in December, January or Feb. I am still trying to decide which half marathon would be best for me. The one in Decemeber is the OUC half marathon in Orlando. Then the Disney half marathon is in January and the FIT Half marathon is in Feb on the beach. I'm not sure about my first half marathon being on the beach just beacause the sand will make it hard to run. If you have done any half marathons let me know which is your favorite! Here is my training schedule:

I got this schedule from Self Magazine. Today I completed my Thursday workout for week 1. I ran 3 miles up and down hills and then just headed home on flat ground for the last mile. It started raining during my run but other than that, it was a great run!

On Twitter I also saw a user named @sweatybetties who put out a challenge to do 50 burpees for 50 days. You can break it up into sets if you need to but as long as you do 50 over the course of the day you are good! This morning after my run I did my first 50! :-) I am going to try to make a video every day for my 50 burpees. Here is Day 1:

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